Modern Wood House Flooring and Interior Model

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Wood house flooring

Everyone has their own design in building a dream home. Now, minimalist homes are very popular among the public because they do not require a lot of land and still maintain a modern side.

Wood house flooring

Designing the interior and exterior of a minimalist house has always been a favorite so that the house looks beautiful, comfortable, unique and elegant. Designing every part of a minimalist house is certainly different, especially if you want a classic themed modern house. Hm… certainly sounds complicated.

Wood house flooring

Designing a classic themed home interior can be done from various sides, from designing natural furniture with unique shapes to designing your Minimalist Home Floor with wooden floors. The use of wood for Minimalist Home Design is not only done abroad, you can use wood floors as a substitute for ceramics to create a classic impression in your home.

Wood house flooring

By using multiple wood floors in house, you will get more comfort and natural effects than ceramic floors. Wood is also easy to adapt to the existing weather. In addition to ceramic floors, wood floors are now widely used for home interior design because they have an expensive artistic value, so you shouldn’t be careless in using wood for flooring.

Wood house flooring

There are different types of wood flooring in house, namely:

  1. Teak Wood: Teak wood is the best quality wood, has a unique texture, is strong and is more resistant to termite attacks than other woods.
  2. Merbau Wood: It has a brown color with a slight mixture of red and yellow, some are blackish. Merbau wood is quite strong like teak although the quality is still below it.
  3. Ulin Wood: Its hard nature makes this wood suitable for tiles, its fibers are invisible and superior in water resistance.
  4. Damar Laut Wood: Hard wood with straight (twisted) fibers. Its hard nature makes this wood difficult to process.
  5. Bengkirai wood: This wood from Kalimantan has long and straight fibers and is the firmest wood among other woods, so it is often used for decks.
Wood house flooring

Wood house flooring

Here are a variety of minimalist wood house flooring designs that can be used as a reference for designing your dream home:

Wood house flooring
Wood house flooring
Wood house flooring
Wood house flooring
Wood house flooring
Wood house flooring

By choosing a good type of wood for the floor, your Minimalist Home interior design will be more beautiful, unique and create an artistic impression. There are 3 types of good wood for floors that can be your consideration in designing the interior of your minimalist home:

Read also:

1. Solid wood.

The shape is in the form of a sheet of a certain size, mostly made of teak wood. The authenticity, beauty and naturalness of this type of wood are the reasons why this wood is still in demand. Solid wood can be re-sanded if it looks dull.

But the weakness, this wood is susceptible to scratches, fire, cracks and weather (can shrink and expand). The recommended size is 15 cm wide, 2 cm maximum thickness, while length may vary.

2. Wood with layer technology.

This type of wood is applied by stacking layers of wood crosswise to avoid expansion and shrinkage of the wood. Generally, wood is composed of 2-3 layers, then pressed with high enough pressure. This wood can be directly installed on top of tiled floors or other types of floors. The drawback of this wood is, refinishing can be done depending on the thickness of the wood. With a veneer layer thickness of 6 mm, the refinishing can be done 2-3 times.

3. Wood vinyl.

This type of wood floor is the most modern type of wood. To make it using sawdust and adhesive. However, this wood cannot last long because it is easily attacked by termites, despite the fact that this type of wood has been widely used for modern homes today.

Tips for house wooden floor:

  • Choose the right type of wood for your minimalist home floor.
  • You can apply wood floors in the Living Room, Family Room, or Bedroom. Because there are several types of wood that are prone to fire, cracks and so on, it is better for the kitchen not to use natural wood.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the wooden floor or broom in the direction of the wood. To mop, use warm water.
  • Clean immediately if any water falls on the wooden floor to avoid absorption on the wooden floor to keep it durable.  

Hopefully the article wood house flooring is useful. If you have difficulty designing a design, you can use the services of an architect for maximum results according to your wishes. In addition, you can look for references to find the right design for your dream building. Congratulations on designing your dream home!


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