Willow Tree Diseases Pictures

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Willow tree: species, varieties, description of planting and cultivation. Features of the care and maintenance of willow in the garden.

Many of us are familiar with the beautiful willow tree from childhood. And it is not surprising, because it is widespread in our country. It is also called willow willow, vine, willow, depending on its location. Unpretentious in her care, but responding with gratitude for her care in the form of a gorgeous lush crown, a powerful pillar, graceful hanging branches and leaves of many shades.

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Such a beauty will be a great addition to the landscape design of any garden. If you have at your disposal a large area with artificial reservoirs, then you can safely place 2-3 tall trees.

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In the case when the site is small, you should pay attention to decorative medium or low-growing varieties of willows, allowing you to make separate accents on specific areas of the garden.

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willow tree diseases pictures


Willows are widely used in industries such as agriculture, industrial production, medicine and landscape design.

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willow tree pictures

In agriculture, willow acts both as a honey plant, and as a fodder for livestock, and to eliminate or prevent erosion on the banks. It provides a huge function in the field of water purification and drainage of wetlands.

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In medicine, willow has long been used as a pain reliever and a medicine for fever. Later, many useful components were found in different parts of this tree. Salicylic acid, well-known to many, is widely used today, and was first discovered in willow.

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In the production of willows, they were often used to create hedges, weaving furniture, baskets, caskets and even cradles. Even fabric can be obtained from this plant, which pays tribute to the new eco-friendly fashion.

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And finally, as previously mentioned, willow, in its variety of species, is an excellent decoration for a garden plot. In addition, it grows quite quickly and does not require particularly difficult care.

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Thanks to human activities and mutations, at the moment there are at least 550 species of willows. It makes no sense to consider all of them, it is worth dwelling on the most basic and most common ones.

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White willow (aka silver)

A large tree up to 30 m in height, occupying large areas, most often near water bodies. Unpretentious, has a fast growth, undemanding to the ground. Suitable for landscaping and weaving. It got its name due to the silvery color of the branches.

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Weeping willow (aka Babylonian)

It is inferior in height to the previous species and reaches only 12 m. The leaves have a double color: green above and gray below. This is a decorative species, has a weak resistance to frost, a small leafless period, and can withstand a short drought.

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Purple willow

This type of willow has an average height of 3-5 m, the leaves also have a double color, green above and gray-green below and are arranged in pairs. This type is often used for weaving and in gardening for the manufacture of hedges.

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Goat willow (aka raquita among the people)

As the name suggests, the tree is often eaten by goats. A significant difference from other varieties is the preference for dry places, however, in the absence of such, it can also be located in wet areas.

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Goat willow reaches a height of 13 m, the leaves have a distinctive oval shape.

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Willow brittle

The tree was imported to Australia and North America, where it subsequently became weedy and displaced other species. It reaches a height of 20 m, has a long lifespan, thin branches and bright green leaves. The name is derived from the loud crackling sound emitted by branches when they break.

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Caspian willow

This variety reaches a height of about 3 m and is a shrub. It has thin stems, lush crown and long leaves. It is frost-resistant, although it does not like low temperatures. It is used to decorate artificial reservoirs and strengthen coastlines.

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Read also:

Creeping willow

The species can be attributed to dwarf willows, due to its low height – about a meter. The crown is lush, wide, matte sheets, the lower part of which has a little fluff.

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Loves moisture and light, frost-resistant, growing at home is allowed. In the garden, it is used to decorate ponds, stone structures.

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Shaggy willow (aka woolly)

It can also be attributed to dwarf willows, the height is no more than a meter. The shape resembles a ball with dense young shoots covered with fluff. The leaves are velvety, silvery. It is used for landscaping areas in the northern regions.

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willow tree pictures

Willow can rightfully be called a delightful and even fabulous tree. No wonder she has inspired writers, poets and artists for a single century.

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Many ideas for a modern summer residence can be found here. Detailed instructions and diagrams will help in solving the most difficult tasks.

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Willow photo

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willow tree pictures

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willow tree pictures

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willow tree pictures

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willow tree pictures

willow tree pictures

Hopefully the article willow tree diseases pictures is useful.


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