how to make organic fertilizer from kitchen waste? 5 steps



Don't throw away your waste immediately, because it can be processed into compost.

What is compost? Compost is an organic fertilizer resulting from the decomposition of plants, animals and waste by microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi.

The benefits of compost – quoted from the website – are to increase the binding capacity of sandy soil, increase soil water holding capacity, improve soil air drainage, and contain nutrients, which are sources of nutrients or food needed by plants.

Kitchen waste that can be composted includes fruit peels, vegetable waste, fruit scraps, and food waste. Garden waste such as leaves and grass can also be composted.

How to process waste waste into compost? Here are 5 steps:

1. Provide a Composting Container 

Composting places can be: holes in the ground, tubs, drums, basins, and others. If the container uses a plastic drum or basin, punch a few dots (5-7 points) in the bottom and place a seat on top of the brick arrangement. Make sure the container is not exposed to direct rain.

2. Separate waste

Separate organic waste from non-organic waste (plastic, cans, rubber, etc.). Composting only uses organic waste in the form of food scraps, fruit peels, vegetable residues. Cut or chop large vegetable or fruit waste.

3. Mixing Process

Fill the container with old compost, about a third of the way. Old compost speeds up the decomposition process, because there is already an ecosystem of microorganisms in it. Next, the kitchen waste is put in, and mixed/stirred with the old compost. You can add sawdust or manure and compost yeast (Tricholant). Then, cover the container with a sack/plastic.

4. Mature Compost

Stir the garbage every 7 days. During the decomposition process, the temperature of the material warms up, ranging from 30-70 degrees Celsius. Entering week 5-6, the compost is ready. The characteristics of the finished compost are: the material no longer smells foul or pungent, smells of earth, is blackish brown in color, the temperature is 30-32 degrees Celsius, the acidity of the compost pH ranges from 6.5 to 7.5.

5. Sifted and Packed

Compost that has been cooked is then sifted to obtain fine-grained results. Good compost is dark brown in color, soft when crushed with fingers and has an earthy smell. Then packed in plastic.

Well, isn't it easy to make compost by using kitchen waste?

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