Low Budget Simple Two Storey House Design


Interested in building a 2-story house? First check the design of a low budget simple two storey house design in full in this article. Interested in building a two-story house? Check first the design of a simple two-story house and the full cost in this article.

low budget simple two storey house design

Two-story residential houses are things that are increasingly common today. Houses that are built vertically are generally much more efficient than single-story houses because the existing land can be utilized optimally. In addition, the price of land that continues to increase is also another reason why two-story houses are increasingly in demand.

So that you can find out the design of a simple 2-storey house and the costs you have to spend, this article will discuss:

low budget simple two storey house design

1. Simple Two Storey House Design

low budget simple two storey house design

Over time, the price of a dwelling and land will continue to increase. Almost all residences in big cities already have fantastic prices. Therefore, it is almost rare to find houses built with only one level. Land owners prefer to make a simple 2-story house design and a much better price than having to build a house with only one floor.

Buying a small vacant lot is also an option that people often take in order to save the budget when building a house. A simple 2-storey house can still be built on even a small plot of land without you having to buy a large piece of land and insisting on building a house that is too big and expensive. To be more complete, below are some of the advantages of building a simple 2-story house: 

  • The costs you incur are not too much compared to when you want to build a one-story house. You can save more to get a wider house.
  • Two-story houses usually have a much more attractive view, especially if the bedroom is on the 2nd floor of the house.
  • The building designs are more diverse and not fixated on designs that are too plain and boring.
  • Two-story houses also have higher privacy because people will find it harder to see your whole house from below.

A simple 2-storey house can be a solution to the need for more space or bedrooms, but at an affordable building cost.

2. Simple 2-storey House Design Type 36

low budget simple two storey house design

Buying small land is a very good thing. In addition to the price which is still very affordable, you can also easily design a simple two storey house of type 36. Although its size is very limited, this type 36 house is very popular and belongs to one of the types of houses that are very easy to trade. The design of the 2-storey house is simple and the cost you need to spend for this type 36 is not large so you can easily make it happen yourself.

One of the advantages of a simple type 36 house is that you can use all the available space to the fullest without having to worry about leaving empty spaces that are just wasted in your home. To maximize space, you can design it with a semi-open plan concept where the living room and family room are connected without a limiting wall. In addition, the bedroom can be placed on the 2nd floor to save space on the ground floor.

If you build a bedroom on the 2nd floor, then there is still a little space left that you can use to build a simple garden on the front and back of the house that you can use for gardening and make the house look even more beautiful.

3. Simple 2-Story House Design Type 45

low budget simple two storey house design

If you are not interested in a type 36 house, then you can try to look at the design of a simple 2-storey house and the cost of a type 45 house. Many think that a type 45 house is the most suitable size for a small family recently married and had children. Its larger size than the 36 type makes the 45 type house a favorite for many people.

One of the advantages of a type 45 house is that you can freely design it as you wish. For example, you can still get a fairly large front yard without having to sacrifice the garage where you park your vehicle. In addition, type 45 houses also usually have 2 + 1 rooms so you can have a special room for household assistants.

4. Simple 2-storey house design with a land area of ​​60 square meters

low budget simple two storey house design

Many think that 60 meters of land is not enough to build a dream house. In fact, you can realize a simple 2-storey house design and a very affordable price with a land area of ​​​​60 square meters.

As an illustration, you can build a simple house with 2 bedrooms on the 2nd floor, two bathrooms, even a small yard and a warehouse at the back of the house. To maximize the design of the house, you can try to find an area of ​​​​60 meters that extends slightly backwards.

The choice of color in a house built on 60 meters of land is also very important. Make sure that the paint you use has a soft bright color to create the impression that the house looks wider and doesn't look tacky.

5. Simple 2-storey house design with a land area of ​​72 square meters

low budget simple two storey house design

A plot of land that has an area of ​​72 square meters can give you the freedom to design a simple 2-storey house at a low cost. You can build a house with a building area of ​​​​approximately 92 square meters which has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

At the front of the house, you can build a carport that can easily accommodate a car and two motorbikes. In addition, you still get a medium-sized page that you can create yourself so that the garden can look attractive.

On the inside, you can use high ceilings to make the house look more spacious and allow air to flow more freely throughout the house. Don't forget to also add small minimalist furniture so that the contents of the house do not become full and crowded. 

6. The cost of building a simple 2-storey house

The cost of building a simple 2-storey house

If you are interested in building a simple 2-story house, make a cost calculation first so as not to mess up your finances when the construction process is already underway. Below is a breakdown of the costs of building a simple 2-story house that can be a reference for you: 

  • First calculate the amount of work wages from the builder. For example, suppose you use a daily builder with a breakdown of: $14.03 per day.
  • Based on general estimates, if you want to build a 2-story house with a building area of ​​100 square meters, you will need to spend $21046.65 to $28062.20 for building materials.
  • If you want to beautify your home with a garden, prepare an additional budget of $701.55 to get an attractive garden in your home.

low budget simple house design

low budget simple house design

low budget simple house design

low budget simple house design

low budget simple house design

low budget simple house design

That's a discussion about a low budget simple two storey house design that can be a reference for you when you want to build a dream house. Make sure to always calculate in advance the amount of costs you need before the house construction process takes place to avoid unexpected costs that you don't want.
