8 Interview Questions For Management Position


Interview Questions For Management Position - When you hire a manager, it's easy to see how technically competent the person is in their field. You can find out if the candidate for the position of head of the production knows the technical processes, and if the future head of the sales department knows how salespeople should work.

8 Frequently Asked Interview Questions for Management Positions

interview questions for management position

Question #1. What were the results at your last job?

First of all, find out what the candidate achieved at the last place of work, and what product he created. The answer should be in the category of results, namely: "When I became the head of the shop, I ensured that the products were of excellent quality and produced on time, all thanks to well-coordinated work."

It is not very good if the candidate begins to speak general phrases about how he "organized everything." This is an indicator that a person does not think in terms of results.

My experience

People who do not think in terms of results, call "PR people". They know how to present themselves, and they say a lot of beautiful words, but without any specifics. Once I was interviewing a candidate for a top management position and asked about the results. And I realized that he was a "PR man" when I received this answer: "Everyone listened to me because I managed well."

I turned down this candidate because I considered him incompetent. I do not deny that he could implement a number of projects, but this is not his merit, but the teams. Since then, I have always demanded detailed answers to this question, and I also expect concrete figures from candidates for top management positions.

Question #2. How have the responsibilities changed?

If a person is really capable, hardworking and showing good results, then the scope of his duties is constantly expanding, so ask the candidate about it. It's great if he started as an ordinary employee, and then took on more and more responsibility and grew in the company.

If a person who worked for several months or even several years did not change the scope of duties, he was not involved in new projects, pay attention to this. A productive leader has ever-growing responsibilities and the size of the projects he manages.

Question #3. What exactly did you do to get the result?

I ask this question because the leader achieves results not with his own hands, but through his subordinates. A good candidate knows the manager's tools and will answer that he distributed duties, created instructions and regulations, sought work planning from subordinates, held meetings, and aimed.

Question #4. How exactly did you do it?

This is a follow-up question to the previous one. It is really important to delve into the details, it will help you protect yourself from theoretical leaders who have read management books and know only by hearsay about the tools.

So when you hear about a candidate holding meetings, ask how. Ask for a summary of the standard minutes of his weekly meeting with subordinates. Or find out what you did to get them to complete their tasks on time. Dig deeper to determine if the candidate has leadership tools or can only list them.


I was looking for a sales manager for my manufacturing company. Then I was less experienced, and the person who made the greatest impression on me was a person who had previously worked in companies with a name and also confidently told me all the tools of a leader. But then I did not ask a clarifying question, about how exactly he used them.

But even then, management tools were introduced in the company, including statistics (metrics), which help to see quantitative indicators of results. And in the sales department, they began to creep down sharply, which I associated with a new person in the position of ROP. Then I began to observe how it works. It turned out that he did not want to apply his excellent theoretical knowledge. Then I realized that I made a mistake by not asking a clarifying question at the interview stage.

Question #5. What worked the least?

Managers have many different responsibilities, and it's important to figure out what was causing the most problems. If a person is a professional who strives to develop, he understands well where his weak points are. Therefore, the answer “Everything was fine with me” is either a lie and an attempt to impress, or an inability to see one’s weaknesses.

And the second option means that a person will not be able to develop. He's stuck in the "I know everything, I'm the perfect manager" state. Such a person cannot be managed by a higher leader, and the results will not be impressive.

Question #6. What did you like the most about your job?

Listen carefully to the answer, the truth will be revealed here. A person may answer that he most enjoyed repairing equipment or working with spreadsheets. Or he liked to mess with people, to hold meetings, to inspire, to target those who lost their priorities.

This question helps to discover the strengths of a person. And, if we are talking about a leader, it should be someone who enjoys working with people. If a person does not like this, he will not become a good manager.

Question #7. Who can validate the results?

A leader who does a great job usually has a great relationship with his superiors. And he will not hesitate to give contacts so that you can be sure of this.

But indistinct mutterings like “I don’t even know who can confirm this”, “They all left”, and “The company closed” is a bad indicator. Perhaps everything that the candidate said about the results was a fabrication. Always double-check your information after the interview.

Question #8. What are you interested in?

Surely the candidate also has questions for you. Let them know that you are ready to answer them. I listen carefully and analyze what the candidate is asking. This helps to understand how he lives, what he thinks about, and in what area he wants to develop. A leader focused on growth and achievement of results will ask about goals and objectives, development plans, staff competence, and team building.


In the material, I shared questions that I myself ask at interviews with potential leaders. In my opinion, each of them is important, but I would pay special attention to the last one.

People are always interested in what is important to them. By asking this question, you can see what the person is focused on: the manifestation of their own expertise or working with people. This will allow you to better understand the candidate and make the right decision!

FAQ: What are the interview questions for the manager position?

  1. What do you expect from a manager?
  2. What kind of contribution do you think is important for a manager to make?
  3. How long have you been a manager before, and how many people are on your team?
  4. How do you deal with conflicts among team members?
  5. How do you delegate responsibility within the team?

FAQ: What are the 10 most common interview questions and answers for managers?

The questions and answers that are usually asked during job interviews below can be adjusted according to work experience, the intended company, the position applied for, and so on. 

The following is a complete discussion of examples of interview questions and their answers:

1. Tell us about yourself

This question is your opportunity to explain or tell yourself, and why you are suitable to fill the position the company needs. You can also tell about your name, work experience, educational background, and the like.

But you don't need to explain in too much detail, such as date of birth, home address, and weight/height, because that is already listed in the CV. Just explain yourself briefly.

Example answer:

My name is Indira, graduated from Bandung University, with a Bachelor of Communication Science. Currently, I want to try to fill the required position, namely in the field of public relations. During my college days, I was active in campus organizations and joined the community there.

With the skills I have, I'm sure I can contribute directly to the company.

2. State your strengths

The next example of a job interview regarding the question is, mentioning what strengths we have. Recruiters certainly want to know what advantages you have or whether are you competent with the position you are currently applying for.

Find out the skills you have and related to the position you want to apply for. Then tell me about those advantages and what they are used for work.

Example answer:

In accordance with my educational background, I also have good communication skills. To reduce miscommunication, I can convey information in the right way.

So that coordination with the team I work with will also go well, including communication with clients.

3. What are your weaknesses?

Not only strengths but you will also be asked about their weaknesses you have. Don't answer that you don't have any flaws or weaknesses. You can still mention weaknesses, by minimizing them so they aren't too obvious.

Example answer:

The weakness that I have right now is my forgetfulness, so I'm often careless when doing something. But I outsmarted it by writing down all the important things related to work so that nothing is missed.

4. Why are you interested in applying for this position?

This question is also often asked during job interviews. The answer that you should convey to the interviewer is to mention your passion in that field of work. 

Psychologically, this shows that the recruiter wants to know how serious you are about applying for the position.

An example of the answer is:

Because I have the experience and educational background that is suitable for this job position. Moreover, your company is currently the best company in all fields, so I want to have a career in this company.

5. What do you know about our company?

Examples of interview questions and answers for fresh graduates or for those who have experience, then, are questions about what you are from the company you are aiming for.

Before a job interview, it's a good idea to research the company first or ask the people who work there directly. 

Example answer:

Your company is the best and most experienced company in the field of education. The products offered are also very innovative and of superior quality, so from these advantages, I am interested in applying to this company.

I have also asked my friends/relatives who also work at this company, so I will learn more about the development of the company.

6. Why should we accept you in this company?

If there are questions like that then you can answer or explain the professional skills you have. Show that what you have is in accordance with what is needed by the company.

Example answer:

Time management ability is one of the requirements for the position I'm applying for now, and that ability is one of my strengths. ‍ In fact, I have the necessary skills related to technology, for example using well-known social media platforms. If I am given the opportunity to work for this company, I will give my best for the company.

7. What are your plans for life in the next five years?

Life plans for the next five years are usually an example of questions for HRD when conducting interviews. 

Well, you also have to prepare these questions that show that you will grow together with the company in the next five years. Give specific answers and relate them to the goals of the company.

Example answer:

The goals that I have in the next five years if I succeed in working at this company are to become an online media publicist related to existing social media. 

I believe that training at the company will continue to support the development of my hard and soft skills in advancing my career path.

8. What contribution can you make to the company?

Answer this question by telling about what achievements you got at your previous job. Then relate the current position applied for. 

Example answer:

I have experience in this field of public relations for about 3 years so I know what are the right strategies, in terms of company development on social media at your company.

9. Why did you resign from your previous job?

This question will arise if you have previous work experience. And if asked, you should not badmouth the company or previous job, but answer with professional sentences and not corner any party.

Example answer:

I am challenged by the position I am applying for and I want to seek new knowledge in your company. So that I can maximize the skills I already have and can contribute in the long term to the current company.

10. How do you deal with stress or work pressure?

The next interview question and answer that is also often asked is about how to deal with stress or pressure. Briefly describe what stressors you faced at your previous employer.

Example answer:

Stress is a natural thing for anyone who works in a company. But usually, I will calm my mind first or rest for a while, so that my mind will be fresh again.

FAQ: How do I prepare for a management interview?

In the process, the print media often asks to pay for its coverage. This is normal if a request for an interview with top management is indeed addressed for the publication of an advertorial in print media. Preparing for an exclusive interview between one media and top management is clearly easier than doing a press conference and doorstop because it is more centralized and takes more time to prepare.

Try first to ask for a list of questions to print media. Don't worry, good print media will be willing to give you a list of questions in advance, instead, they will inform you which reporter will be assigned to do the interview. Then convey the list of questions along with their answers to top management as a guide for top management to conduct interviews. Simultaneously, coordinate with the secretary or personal assistant from top management to arrange a schedule for conducting interviews.

At the time of conducting the interview, provide assistance to the Top Management who is carrying out the interview. This is to determine the data that may be requested by the reporter in the interview can be fulfilled directly. After completing the interview, continue to coordinate with the media to receive the manuscript before it goes to the press. For the loading of advertorial advertisements, of course, we have the right to request the script. Submit additional data if needed, and submit the manuscript before going to press to receive approval from top management.

FAQ: What are the top 5 questions to ask an interviewer?

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. What do you know about the company?
  3. What are your strengths?
  4. What are your Weaknesses?
  5. Why are you attracted to this company?