Oxygen, which is the respiratory needs of living things, is floating in the air we breathe. When pollution has contaminated the air, the respiratory consumption of living things will be contaminated with all disease-causing substances. It turns out that there are anti-pollution plants that can maintain our air quality. Check out the following article!
Types of Anti-pollution Plants
You can add a garden that contains anti air pollution plants. You can also decorate the terrace in beautiful small house design with some plants that can beautify and clean the air that contains pollution.
8 Types of Anti-pollution Plants to Protect the Air Around the House
All living things, especially humans, need oxygen to stay alive. Oxygen is something that is very crucial in human life, without oxygen we would not be able to live until now.
The air we breathe contains several other gases, such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon, and others. Contaminated air will contain toxic gases and particles. Some of these gases and particles can be seen by our eyes and some cannot be seen by our eyes. These small contaminants have a very high chance of being inhaled and entering our respiratory system.
Contaminated air or dirty air can cause diseases in our bodies due to its toxic content, especially respiratory diseases. Air pollution needs to be eradicated in order to restore good air quality conditions and bring benefits to living things.
One way to defeat air pollution is with the presence of plants. This is because the photosynthesis process in plants can produce new oxygen. In this process, plants will absorb carbon dioxide gas and pollutants contained in the air, and then produce pure oxygen into the air.
Here are some anti-pollution plants that can protect the air at home:
1. Mother-in-law's Tongue
The first anti-pollution plant that you can keep at home is the tongue-in-law plant. Tongue-in-law with the Latin name sansevieria has become a trend for ornamental plant lovers because of the unique shape of the plant and also the uniqueness of its naming.
Tongue-in-law has a stiff and hard stick-shaped leaf texture, rounded and pointed, coupled with its unique colors such as dark green, light green, silver, a combination of two colors between green and yellow, then there are also white and yellow. This plant also needs special treatment, tongue-in-law can be fine with little water conditions.
This plant can absorb pollutant gases, odors, and filter impurities. These toxic gases include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene.
2. Moon Orchid
The next anti-pollution plant that you can make as an ornamental plant is the moon orchid. Moon orchids have several shapes with several colors and are equipped with the distinctive aroma of orchid flowers. Orchids have a beautiful shape, so they are hunted by flora lovers to be their ornamental plants.
Moon orchid plants are able to produce clean oxygen and suck toxic pollutants such as ethyl acetate, chloroform, ammonia, formaldehyde, acetone, xylene, and methyl alcohol. This is evident from research on ornamental plants that can clean air quality. Know the pests of ornamental plants so as not to damage your plants!
3. Suji Dracaena
The following anti-pollution plants come from plants that are usually used as food coloring. The suji plant is characterized by shiny long stiff leaves. These leaves can produce an intense green color when mixed into water.
The suji plant in a study is said to be able to absorb toxic gases contained in the air. These toxic gases will be absorbed by the suji plant, before being processed back into fresh oxygen. Some toxic gases that can be sucked well by suji plants, are acetone, benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.
4. Spider Plant
The fourth anti-pollution plant is the spider plant or also known as the paris lily. This spider plant has an elongated leaf shape in green with yellow or white stripes. The uniqueness of this plant is that you can make this plant a hanging plant or a plant that can grow on the ground.
The growth of the stems or leaves of this spider plant is very fast and creeping. When your pot is filled with spider plant stems or leaves, then you have to move some of them to another pot, otherwise your pot will be broken by spider plant roots. It's really great isn't it! This plant is effective for inhaling airborne toxins such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and xylene.
5. Bamboo Palm
The next anti-pollution plant is the bamboo palm. Bamboo palms have leaves that look almost like a fan and have sharp edges. It is called a 'bamboo' palm because its leaves are very similar to the leaves of a bamboo tree. This bamboo palm has the Latin name chamaedorea seifrizii.
You don't need to bother taking care of it, because it will be fine when it gets a little water and sunlight. This bamboo palm plant has the benefit of cleaning the air from pollutants, such as carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, and toluene.
Amazingly, this plant has a leaf system that can evaporate the water it absorbs and cause the surroundings to become humid. This is great for keeping our respiratory system and skin moisturized.
6. Peace Lily
The sixth plant that you can make as an ornamental plant as well as a pollutant remover in the air is the peace lily or commonly called the peace lily. This lily has similarities with banana leaves. The flower shape is very beautiful and has a pleasant fragrance to smell.
When caring for this flower, you must pay attention to the planting media. Peace lilies must be in a moist planting medium, not lacking water and not excess water. Keep in mind, don't expose them to the sun too often! Peace lilies can suck in harmful pollutants in the air such as benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.
7. Aloe Vera
It turns out that aloe vera can neutralize toxic pollutants in the air! This ornamental plant is an anti-pollution plant. Plants with hard stems with few sharp serrations are able to neutralize toxic gases such as formaldehyde and benzene.
How to care for aloe vera plants is also known to be easy, because this plant is almost the same as cactus which is succulent (stores water volume) does not need to be watered continuously. Just once in a two to three week period.
See also:
- 11 Odor Absorbing Plants
- How to take care of hydroponic plants in 7 easy steps
- 14 Pictures of Indoor Ornamental Plants With Names
8. Chrysanthemum
The last plant that can be an anti-pollution plant in your home is chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemums are famous for their beautiful flower shapes and colors. People usually recognize chrysanthemums. Its fragrance can always be remembered. The colors also vary, some have red, orange, kungin, white, and also purple.
This ornamental flower has good benefits for improving air quality, which can eliminate toxic gases in the air such as benzene, xylene, formaldehyde, and ammonia. To take care of this beautiful flower you need to be careful, because chrysanthemums like moist planting media and get enough sunlight.
Those are some anti-pollution plants that can keep the air at home free from pollutants. Hopefully this article can provide benefits and become a reference for choosing ornamental plants!